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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Report: Day 1 [7-12-2011]

I finally made it to the gym. Time is 9.30pm yesterday. I failed miserably in Raj ji's proposed One Hour Plan. It ended up taking about 2 hours (not including showering time). But I did complete the required exercise which is a huge plus. I forsee if I continue on this path, I'll soon be able to hit the required efficiency levels, hopefully sooner, rather than later.

As mentioned earlier, in the proposed One Hour Plan, is supposed to encompass 30 minutes of resistance training (weights and whatnot) followed by 30 minutes of cardio of my choice. The killer part is the resistance training. The 30 minutes ended taking 1.5 hours instead. The tough part is that I diligently followed Raj ji's instructions on the 2,4 Second Rule when doing reps: 2 seconds to pump-it, followed by a 4 second slow release. Mother f... I almost died.

Another important thing that I had to find out was the correct weight in which I was supposed to work out in. Raj ji mentioned something along the lines of 75% of my maximum load. I don't even know my maximum load! An indication is when we struggle with a particular weight halfway through the routine. Then we know that we should at least reduce the weight. I brought a notepad to the gym and I noted the various weights I used throughout the resistance exercise.

My report of last night is as follows:-
1. Leg Presses - 2 sets of 15 reps each @ 45 pounds

The machine looks a little something like this:-

The 2 sets went of without a hitch. 45 pounds appear more than doable.

2. Seated Rower (pulling) - 2 sets of 15 reps each @ 40 pounds

The machine looks a little something like this:-

The 2 sets went of without a hitch. However, 40 pounds appear to be too heavy as it affect the remaining of my workout. Propose to reduce the weight to 25 the next time.

3. Chest Press Machine (pushing) - 2 sets of 15 reps each @ 40 pounds/33 pounds

The machine looks a little something like this:-

Right at the beginning of the required 2 sets, I started to realised that I was over-ambitious with the weight. I had to reduce the weight from 40 pounds to 33 pounds. Halfway through the First Set until the end of the 2 sets. Propose to reduce the weight to 25 the next time.

4. Seated Bicep Curls (pulling) - 2 sets of 15 reps each @ 25 pounds/20 pounds

The machine looks a little something like this:-

I was more realistic with the weights on this one. By now, my arms were suitably numb due to over-exertion. I started out with 25 pounds which was fine until towards the end of the second set when I reduced the weight to 20 pounds to avoid hurting myself further. I think 25 pounds is a good starting weight.

5. Seated Tricep Extension (pushing) - 2 sets of 15 reps each @ 20 pounds

The machine looks a little something like this:-

I didn't expect to survive this one as I didn't think my triceps were in shape at all. I set it at 20 pounds and survived for 2 sets. Perhaps if my arms were not so numb I could have done 25 pounds.

6. Abdominal Crunches (pushing) - 2 sets of 15 reps each @ 25 pounds

The machine looks a little something like this:-

I set the weight resistance at 25 pounds and I found it rather pleasing. I might increase the weight to 33 pounds if I feel up to it.

7. Seated Shoulder Press (pushing) - 2 sets of 15 reps each @ 20 pounds/ 15 pounds/10 pounds

The machine looks a little something like this:-

This was an absolute nightmare. By now, both my arms were completely numb. I couldn't complete my first set @ 20 pounds so I reduced it to 15 pounds. For the second set, I had to drop it to 10 pounds as my arms were giving away.

8. 30 Minutes of Cardio

Warm-up: 5 Minutes Fast Walk (4.8 kmph)
Cardio: 20 Minutes, alternating between a medium run (7.1 kmph), slow run (6.1 kmph) and uphill slow run (4.0 incline, 5.8 kmph)
Warm-down: 5 Minutes Fast Walk, gradually decreasing speed until stop (4.8kmph - 3.4 kmph)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I enjoyed the run at the end of it all, probably because I'm much more familiar with it. And I totally love showering in gyms! Hmmm.... that didn't come out right.

By working the core muscle groups I am trying to achieve a suitable balance between weight loss and developing strength. The pain tomorrow and day after, will tell me if I managed to tickle the right areas of my pathetic body.

Thanks for viewing!

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