The toughest thing about making a committment to fitness and working out? The consistency. It's easy to go crazy for a couple of days and feel totally pumped about it. Then the feeling dies down, your schedule gets packed, you start feeling tired or lazy to even get off your buttocks to do anything, you stop eating properly, and suddenly - wait - you're back exactly where you started. You start blaming your busy schedule, blame your fat genes from your dad's side of the family, blame your dog, your boss, your wife/girlfriend/mistress, blame the sun, the moon, the stars, blame your chinese zodiac sign, blame God, blame Barisan Nasional, etc.
Don't be a right twat.
In a perfect world I could drop everything and go to the gym on time every single day. In a perfect world I could alway ensure that I eat properly and at the right times, all the time. In a perfect world, the weather would always be perfect for me to get out to exercise. In a perfect world, I would never get injured, tired or hurt.
But it's not a perfect world.
I can't make it to the gym on scheduled days sometimes due to work committments. I'm sometimes late so I can't have a leisurely work-out. I sometimes have dinners with top management, so I can't refuse a seafood meal without looking out of place. The weather has been shite lately, so I have to plan ahead. The resulting traffic jam is worse so I pack my bags in advance every single day before I leave the house. I make sure my work-out form and technique is correct and proper to avoid injuries, among others.
The only thing I don't do, is - I don't complain.
One of the things you can try to do in order to keep up the spirit of fitness is to vary your work-outs. Personally, I used to refused to hit gyms. I was a runner of sorts a number of years ago. It's hard to believe now that, beneath this well-fed exterior, there once was an athlete. Instead of just hitting gyms, try swimming, or running. Sports are always a great fitness option. The quoted options may not be the best is building strength, but nevertheless, it provides a great work-out!
Critics of gyms have a point though. Who wants to run towards a miniture LCD tv? The pungent smell of disinfectant stinging the nostrils instead of a cool morning/evening air? Today, I find that gyms are a perfect in its imperfections. Of course you would like to run with the wind in your face and grass between your toes. Nevertheless, gyms provide a controlled and reasonably safe environment for you to work-out in. Some say it has a sterile feel to it. I think the sterility of it all is still better than getting butt-raped by some hopped-up hobo in the park at 11.30pm. Further, with the odd opening times of commercial gyms, you can always drop by after work, even if you finish late, and safely at that.
That being said, this is not an official Report (not yet) since I'll be heading to the gym later tonight. Just a few thoughts by the Average Dom in trying to achieve something meaningful.
If there is anyone else out there who wants to try out some form of exercise but is looking for company, please do not hesitate to look me up. I'll try almost anything at least once! Of course, since I don't publicize this Fitness Blog, most will not be aware of this...
Important Note: As with my Photoblog, this Fitness Blog is not meant for the Fitness Pros. There are too many pros out there with even more great advice and differing techniques. I'm writing on behalf of the Average Joes and Janes of the world.
Thanks for viewing!
Disclaimer: The views published in the above Fight to Fitness Blog are the author's and the author's alone. If readers are not agreeable with the above views, well, you can bugger-off. All rights are reserved for the the photos and/or articles itself. This article may be reproduced with permission for the author or private or public usage, or other forms of general mayhem. Any unauthorize usage of the images and/or article contained therein is expressly prohibited and violators will be prosecuted with the full force of Malaysian law applicable. Thank you for reading this disclaimer.
My commendations for your effort in writing down your gymming blog about your workout programme towards better fitness. Keep it up!