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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Report: Day 27 [2-1-2012]

First work-out of 2012! Woo hoo!

Not that much to report except that I'm getting slowly towards the level of efficiency initially planned out by Master Trainer Raj.


1. Leg Presses

Weight stack: 55kg
Sets: 2
Reps per set: 15

2. Bench Press

Weight stack: Oly Bar + 2x 2.5kg weights = 25kg
Sets: 2
Reps per set: 15

3. Lateral Pull-Downs

Weight stack: 33 pounds/arm (Set 1), 40 pounds/arm (Set 2)
Sets: 2
Reps per set: 15

4. Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Weight stack: 4kg dumbbells per arm - Standing
Sets: 2
Reps per set: 15

5. Dumbbell Bicep Curls

Weight stack: 6kg dumbbells per arm - Standing
Sets: 2
Reps per set: 15

6. Tricep Pull-Downs

Weight stack: 19 pounds/arm
Sets: 2
Reps per set: 15

7. Stomach Crunches

Weight stack: 35 pounds
Sets: 2
Reps per set: 15

8. High Intensity Run (Cardio)

I went ape-shit on this one. High intensity!

Warm up:
5 minutes fast walk @ 5.3 kmph

Main Sets:
2 minutes fast jog @ 7.0 kmph
2 minutes medium run @ 9.0 kmph
1 minute run like hell @ 11.0 kmph
Approxmately 2 minutes medium walk @ 4.3 kmph

2 minutes fast jog @ 7.0 kmph
2 minutes medium run @ 9.0 kmph
1 minute run like hell @ 11.0 kmph

5 minutes medium walk @ 4.3 kmph

On a side note, my calves ached like a bitch for about an hour after that. Only 1 hour you say? Well, I fell asleep after that so I didn't know what happened. When I woke up I didn't hurt at all. Hmm.

When I got back I took a Whey protein shake. My brother tells me it aids in the rebuilding of your muscles once you break them down during the work-out. However, you would need to continue working out, if not the protein just makes you fat.

Thanks for viewing!

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